Product Management

For Entrepreneurs & Companies

We are a One-Stop Product Management Center for startups or startup-like opportunities within established companies.

We supply all your product management needs - before you scale up and have a full-fledged team.

Business Situation

You Are...
  • An entrepreneur who is building (or wants to create) a company.
  • Surrounded by a high level of uncertainty.
  • In the context of a standalone startup or a startup-like opportunity within an established organization.
You Have...
  • An Idea anywhere on the spectrum between conception and implementation.
  • Limited resources.
  • Unlimited motivation.
You Need...
  • Many diverse proficiencies to advance the opportunity. The proficiencies best correlate to what’s called product management - driving vision, strategy, design, and execution of your product or service.
We Are...
  • A One-Stop-Center for all the missing skills and expertise - before you scale up and have a full-fledged team. (With a particualr strength in tech, especially in software.)

Product Management Services

"The Big Four".

Product Vision

Crystalizing ideas, conceptual framework, white papers, pitch deck, executive summary and tech strategy.

Product Strategy

Business plan, model, wireframes, MVP, strategy and implementation plan

Product Marketing

Positioning, product/market fit, marketing strategy, marketing funnels/automation, advanced content creation, capturing expertise and brain trust.

Project Management

Day-to-day execution (focusing on outsourced professionals and teams).

What is a custom combination of "The Big Four" for your situation?

10+ Years Experience in product management

Because of our 10+ years of experience, we can function very efficiently and effectively, even surrounded by high-level uncertainty and scarcity of resources. We employ vast internal skills and abilities, as well as a team of reliable, seasoned outsourcers, when necessary.

Experience Showcase:

  • Legal tech & Fin Tech: Product: Software platform; from $0 to $2M Valuation
  • Marketing Automation & Business Strategy Services: Product: Professional service packages; filling pipeline
  • Legal Products: Product: Sophisticated legal instruments; 700% growth
  • Influencer Marketing Services: Product: Influencer brand; branding success
  • Skincare Products & Services: Product: Beauty and skincare full line of products; from $0 to $3M revenue
  • Medical Equipment: A specialized, newly manufactured device; marketing an dsales automation success
  • Pharmaceutical Products: From $0 to $6M revenue
  • Nutritional Products & Services: Product: Coaching, consulting, workshops, retreat; growth by education

To begin conversation, contact us today!



Vlad Tseytkin